Macular Degeneration Information


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What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular Degeneration is an eye disease. It occurs in many adults after age 50. One or both eyes may be affected. The macular (the part of the eye that controls central, detailed vision) becomes damaged. Central vision becomes limited. However, side vision remains clear. There are two types of macular degeneration: Dry and Wet.

Dry Macular Degeneration

Dry is the most common type of macular degeneration. In the early stages, changes in vision may be hard to notice. Over time, your central vision slowly worsens. You may notice wavy lines and blank spots in the center of your vision. Colors may look dim. There is no way to restore vision lost from dry macular degeneration. You need to monitor it because it can turn into wet macular degeneration.

Wet Macular Degeneration

Wet is less common but more serious. Vision loss is quick and severe. You may suddenly notice dark spots, blank spots, wavy lines and dim colors in the center of your vision. If wet macular degeneration is caught early laser treatment may help slow further vision loss.

Monitor Vision Loss
Sudden vision changes may be a sign of wet macular degeneration. That's why you need to monitor your vision with an Amsler grid. Follow these steps as often as suggested by your doctor.
1. Keep the grid at eye level and stand 14 inches away.
2. If you wear glasses for reading, put them on. Cover or close one eye. Focus on the black dot in the center of the grid.
3. On the grid, mark any vision changes from the day before. This may include black spots or wavy lines that weren't there before.
4. Repeat these steps with the other eye.


Amsler Grid


Call your doctor right away if you notice any changes.

Working with Your Doctor
Even if you have Macular Degeneration, the good news is that this disease doesn't cause total blindness. To make the most of your vision, get regular eye exams and monitor your vision.


Dealing with Vision Loss

If you have Macular Degeneration, you can still do many of the activities you did before. You can also monitor your vision and call your doctor if you notice any changes.



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